Or get started by browsing our vast selection of textbooks in Classavo Marketplace, and import to your course.
Create a course from scratch just by uploading your syllabus.
Which ever content you created or imported, you can always modify to your exact need.
Our editor helps guide you through the process of creating, and editing your classroom material from anywhere.
Know your students' progress faster than ever before from our interactive Dashboard. This is where you oversee all aspects of running your class and your classroom engagement.
Professor Margaret Bishop
Fashion Institute of Technology
Dr. Yong Li
University at Buffalo
Classavo is the ultimate teaching and learning tool for student/instructor engagement. It was founded by University of Buffalo Alumni that were struggling for years with additional classroom tools that were not helpful for their cost.
We made it our mission to build a platform that is inclusive of all the learning/teaching tools an instructor would need while being affordable. This includes a fluid daily agenda system, interactive textbooks, polling, attendance, analytics, discussion boards, and much more!
Classavo is FREE for instructors. For students, Classavo subscription plans have more value for less fees than any other teaching/learning software. We range from $20 per semester to $69 for lifetime access. On top of that, we work with students to get their subscription costs waived by by financial aid through their university bookstores.
Yes! Classavo integrates with most LMSs and we are able to easily import/export grades from our platform as well.
The Classavo Marketplace has all sorts of instantaneously adoptable content, from entire courses to textbooks and question packs alone. Most of our content is free and modifiable by instructors.
Want to publish on the Classavo Marketplace? Book a Demo to learn more about publishing and royalties.
Our editor helps guide you through the process of creating, and editing your classroom material from anywhere.